Gardening Resources
The best way to access fresh and nutritious food is to grow it at home. You can grow vegetables and fruits in a variety of ways from inside on a window sill; inside under grow lights; in pots on a porch or deck; in raised beds, garden beds, cold frames, or greenhouses; in a community garden plot; and more!
Check out University of Cooperative Extension for Humboldt & Del Norte Gardening Resources.
Below is an approximate time to start seeds indoors, start seeds outside or transplant outside, and harvest time. Please keep in mind, all planting is based on an approximate last frost date that is unique to where you live. For a more detailed planting schedule, plug your last frost date into a planting schedule such as Jonny's Seeds Planting Schedule.
Check out the Planting Guide for Crescent City.
Check out University of Cooperative Extension for Humboldt & Del Norte Gardening Resources.
Below is an approximate time to start seeds indoors, start seeds outside or transplant outside, and harvest time. Please keep in mind, all planting is based on an approximate last frost date that is unique to where you live. For a more detailed planting schedule, plug your last frost date into a planting schedule such as Jonny's Seeds Planting Schedule.
Check out the Planting Guide for Crescent City.
DIY Food/Garden Workshops
Our DIY Food/Garden Workshops are one of the most popular Food Council Projects. Since 2010, we have organized cooking and gardening workshops with local instructors.
Our workshop topics have ranged from the Container Gardening classes, water bath and pressure canning, soil testing and amendments, and more. Instructors have taught community members to make bread, create effective raised beds, begin keeping bees, forage for wild mushrooms, and even start a Cottage Food business.
To get early notice of upcoming DIY Food Workshops, follow us on FACEBOOK. View our MONTHLY NEWSLETTER. JOIN our email list to get direct updates on upcoming workshops.